Photographic color portrait of a light-skinned woman with long brown hair. She is wearing a blue blouse and smiling.

Maya Gold

Fall 2020

Maya Gold is a junior from Vernon Hills, Illinois, majoring in dance with a minor in psychology, and the Fall 2020 Undergraduate Fellow for the Spencer Museum of Art’s ARI program. She will work alongside Faculty Fellow James Moreno to research the ways that stories of race and gender travel through the sampling, re-mixing, and embodiment of dance across the internet. Gold has previously collaborated with Moreno through dance works for the University Dance Company as well as for his work Traqueros, which will be submitted to national and international dance film festivals. As a part of her exploration, Gold will work with Moreno to learn movement vocabulary from various social media platforms and use this movement as choreographic material for a new dance. This choreography will focus on how race and gender are transmitted into dance over social media. The results of their research will be formatted for production this fall.